Exclusive Experience

One of the biggest complaints roaming around the ABA practice management world is the lack of customization ability by the major practice management providers. Often times larger ABA therapy companies are required to utilize two systems to get all of the features that they need. That is of course until now, introducing the ABA Cloud Exclusive Experience. With ABA Cloud’s development flexibility and ability to pivot quickly, private equity firms are able to personalize their own digital environment to suit their unique needs.

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Customized Dashboard

Each private equity firm is provided with their own customizable dashboard platform. This dashboard is separate from our main system and allows executives to get a top down look on how their company holdings are performing. Executives can view detailed data on their companies and drill down to examine details of each and every insurance company, client, and practitioner.

Custom Features

Each private equity firm is assigned a software developer or software development team to add in the features and applications that your business needs to run smoothly. Your custom developer(s) will work exclusively on your account providing you with requested features, specialized enhancements and a project management document to follow progress..

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How do we protect your information?

Each private equity organization is provided with their own unique and independent server to host their version of ABA Cloud. This server is separate from our main system and provides a totally customizable digital shell to sculpt a platform that is designed just for the individual needs of your organization. This service provides ABA Cloud with the ability to completely customize your practice management platform and provide customized enhancements without infringing on other customers.

White Labeling

Branding is important especially when you are trying to recruit practitioners, clients and other companies to join your professional group. To help with this issue, each private equity firm is afforded the opportunity to brand their practice management system along with their app on the app store reflecting their organization’s logo, tagline, and overall brand. This provides the appearance of a completely unique practice management experience for prospective aba companies, practitioners and clients.

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Customer relationship management (CRM)

In the ABA space, companies of all sizes are not only competing for clients, they are also competing for practitioners. To help stay on top of this., ABA Cloud has developed a CRM platform that allows private equity organizations to track the client lifecycle and the practitioner pipeline and how the two paths intersect.

Client Lifecycle

Onboarding clients is a slow process caused by client consents, doctor diagnoses, and a whole host of other problems associated with client onboarding. ABA Cloud has developed a customizable set of analytic tables, charts, and visuals to track where in the lifecycle each client is so that managers can better identify problems and develop interventions to deal with a slowed client onboarding process.
Our CRM module tracks a variety of different measures from time each client is in each phase of the lifecycle to averages across clients.

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Practitioner Pipeline

Practitioners need to fill out just as much paperwork as clients to do start with a particular company. This onboarding process can slow growth and clog up the pipeline of candidates that want to work with your organization.
Our module performs the same functions for the practitioner pipeline that is does for the client lifecycle showing how many different practitioners are being hired, onboarded and assigned to cases allowing managers to make decisions on hiring needs based on a variety of different criteria.

Are you ready for a customizable software?